Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Wirral Photographs in Dee Fine Arts

I'm really pleased to let you all know that as from the 9th of July, my photographs will be available to buy through Dee Fine Arts in Heswall. I'm really pleased to be able to offer my work for sale through such a reknowned establishment.

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Hello, old friend.

On Wednesday night I went out to shoot my comparison between 'Old' Velvia 50 and 'New'. Fuji sent me a roll of 120 film, so, for the first time in about 2 years I pulled out my Bronica SQ-Ai.

I shot with the Bronica for about 3 years, and came to be very 'at home' with it, however since switching to the 5x4 Ebony SW45, I have rarely used it, certainly not in the past year. When I took it out of the camera bag I felt instantly at home with the camera once again.

Many of my frustrations which angered me just before I switched to the 5x4 camera seem to have disappeared, and the square format once again felt refreshing rather than limiting.

Two years on my decision not to sell the Bronica to buy lenses for the LF camera still feels like the right one, look out for more sqaure images, as I think the Bronica will be making more trips out in to the field with me.

Monday, 11 June 2007

Safari on Windows!

Whenever I make a change to my website I end up pinging one of my Mac-wielding friends over MSN and asking them to check 'if it looks right in Safari'. Well, today at the Apple WWDC, St. Eve announced that Apple were to launch Safari for Windows, so I can now check the layout in Safari myself! 

You can grab Beta 3 today. It runs very well on my Dell D820 running Vista. And yes, this post was composed using Safari on a PC. 

Has St. Eve shot himself in the foot here? I was contemplating re-entrancy to the Mac fold prior to this - now I don't think I'll be buying a MacBook anytime soon.

Friday, 8 June 2007

Confusion of Scale

How big is the stone in this image? Whilst one may make an educated guess, there's nothing concrete to allow you to form any conclusions as to absolute scale. In many ways I feel that this adds to a photograph, as it creates a sense of wonder, and makes the viewer contemplate the scene and what their ultimate relationship with it is.