Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Fuji Quickload - relationship between the ID code on the envelope and the film rebate code

Someone over at the UK LF Forum was asking about the relationship between the code printed on a Quickload envelope and that's marked with orange light on the rebate.
There is a relative relationship between the code on the envelope and that on the film. Once you know one relationship in that batch (the first two letters of the code) you can extrapolate forwards or backwards from that point. The code on the envelope is numbered in decimal, that on the film uses an alpha code using A-J So once you know that BE-3932 on the envelope relates to BE-DJGE you can work back and forth from this point:

Envelope Film
I've found that this relationship holds true for Velvia (50, 100 and 100F), Provia, and Acros

Saturday, 26 April 2008

The Navel Stone - Highly Commended

I'm really pleased to say that my image 'The Navel Stone' was one of two images awarded 'Highly Commended' status at the Wirral Spring Art and Photography exhibition.

As ever the submitted works were of the highest standard, and it really is an honour to have received the 'Highly Commended'.

The Wirral Spring Art and Photographic exhibition is open to the public at the Williamson Art Gallery in Birkenhead from Saturday 26th May until Sunday 1st June, open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am - 5pm. It is also open on the Bank Holidays on 5th May and 26th May. Admission is free and there is a free car park adjacent to the gallery.

Friday, 25 April 2008

Fitting Markins TS-327 spikes to a Gitzo 1325

I recently purcahsed a set of Markins TS-327 titanium spikes to fit my Gitzo 1325 tripod. The only trouble was they came completely devoid of instructions on how to fit. The rubber pad which the 1325 has by default seemd absolutely impossible to remove. Various options on how to get the foot off seem to have been floated round t'interweb for some time, and most seemed to involve some kind of heavy engineering - hacksaw to the leg or drilling the old rubber foot off. This isn't something I felt comfortable with. FYI the feet feel really firmly fixed on to the end of the carbon fibre tube.

So I decided to see what would happen if I heated the leg up (theory: most glue melts) , so I searched for an appropriate heat source in the house. The gas hob seemed to be the best item for the job, and after a few seconds heating the very end of the leg, it was possible to grab the foot with a pair of pliers and twist it free. I'm now researching the best adhesive to attach the new spike to the tubes with.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Image of the week

Renault Clio Cup Cars
I'm starting to post a series of images which are the favourite I've taken in the previous week. Here's the one for the week ending 20th April. This was taken at Oulton Park on a race experience day. How fortuitous that they parked three Renault Clio Cup cars in a lovely row like this!

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Framed images now available directly from the website

Framed prints are now available to buy from the tim myers photography website.

At present we're only offering a single frame style, a solid oak frame, but we hope to add more frame styles to our range in the coming months.

Wirral Spring Art and Photography Exhibition

I'm pleased to say that two of my images, 'Sunset At The Marine Lake' and 'The Navel Stone' have been selected for display in the Wirral Spring Art and Photography Exhibition which is held at the Williamson Art Gallery in Birkenhead.

The exhibition runs from Saturday 26th April to Sunday 1st June, open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am - 5pm. It is also open on the Bank Holidays on 5th May and 26th May. Admission is free and there is a free car park adjacent to the gallery.