Monday, 12 May 2008

Image of the week

I didn't post an 'image of the week' last week, but I hope you'll like this week's one. This was taken at the Wilson Trophy sailing event held on West Kirby marine lake.

Monday, 5 May 2008

Rights Grabbing Competitions

I regularly get sent links to various photographic competitions, and almost inevitably don't enter them because I'm not happy with the Ts and Cs - in general the somewhat over zealous attribution to the rights of my images most of these competitions make. I've now seen that pro-imaging are starting to take a stand against this 'even if you don't win you grant us an everlasting, royalty-free, sub-licensable exclusive license to your image for no cost' attitude; and are publishing a list of offenders here on their website.

It offends me greatly that 'Take A View', which is run and promoted by Charlie Waite is on the 'Take Care' list. Charlie is a stock photographer; I'd lay dollars to donuts that he'd never submit one of his images to a competition who grabbed rights to one of his images.